Giving Objects Reiki Attunements


Can an object be attuned to Reiki?  This question came to me about a year ago, but the seed for it was planted early on in my Reiki practice.  You see, many people sell items they market as “Reiki Charged”.  In fact, I used methods I found in articles on Reiki Rays to charge items with Reiki myself.  As time went on though and I became more familiar with the energy, I began to wonder exactly what this charging was doing. 

Most methods I have seen for charging objects with Reiki have been pretty simple and straight forward and closely resemble my advice for clearing and balancing object with Reiki in my last article.  They usually entail setting intention, hands-on Reiki, and use of the Reiki symbols.  You see, that is what I came to feel I was actually doing through these methods, not “charging” the object with Reiki, but cleansing it and restoring its natural balance.   Often, that was not my actual intention though, what I wanted to do was allow a person using the object to receive the benefits of Reiki through it. 

Essentially, I wanted to allow the object to hold and channel Reiki to the recipient.  While I know that intention counts for a lot when doing any kind of spiritual or energy work, I also believe the system of Reiki works in a certain way.  So, the question came to me, can an object be attuned to Reiki?  What would happen if a gave an object an actual attunement in the same way that I do my Reiki students? Would that even be ethical?  I tried to look this up but could not find where it had been experimented with before.  I found the wording used, and in fact I published a guest article here that used it, but the methods were the same as in other articles and not an actual Reiki attunement. 

Before I could experiment with this, I had to examine the ethics of it.  Ethics are important to me and I believe they are important to the practice of Reiki.  Two thoughts came to my mind.  I believe a person should be trained in the system of Reiki before being attuned and an object obviously cannot be trained.  Neither can an object set intention or consciously treat with Reiki, which I also find to be important aspects of Reiki.  I decided that as my objects were not going to go around trying to practice Reiki on their own, the issue of training did not pose an ethical problem.  As for the issue of intention, I concluded that I could set the intention for the healing and highest good of all those that used the object for the purpose of receiving Reiki while performing the attunement.  And when it came to consciousness, I determined that since Reiki is spiritually guided energy, and is not guided by the healer, the consciousness of spirit should suffice. 

I had made a habit of cleaning and balancing my shower head with Reiki before each shower and then visualizing healing light pouring over me with the water.  I decided that I would use the shower head as my first non-human Reiki Attunement recipient.  I gave the attunement in the same way I would for a student with the exception that during a part of the ritual that is normally performed at the heart and palm Chakras of the student, I performed it at the back of the shower head and the center of its face.  I set the intention that the shower be tuned into Reiki and be able to channel it for the highest good of all those wishing to receive Reiki. 

I feel that the attunement was successful.  I felt the benefit of Reiki after each shower in which I consciously intend to receive it in the same way I do after a self-healing.  I have found that if I do not set the intention to receive and open myself up the energy, I do not notice the same benefit.  I have also attuned crystals to Reiki and feel that has been successful also.  If this idea resonates with you, I encourage you to try it for yourself and see how it goes.  I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on attuning objects with Reiki and any experiences anyone has with it in the Crystal Reiki Wellness Spiritual Community on Facebook.