How I Rose Above My Codependency

After taking the time to get to know who I was when I was single, educating myself about co-dependency, embracing self-love, finding a constructive way to contribute to society, and making promises to myself that would keep me safe my life has completely changed.  I feel strong and empowered and know that I can care for myself and handle anything I need to on my own.

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I Don’t Practice Self-Reiki Daily

I love Pamela Miles and respect her commitment to daily self-Reiki and the way she leads and encourages other Reiki Masters to do the same.  I think it is wonderful and know how beneficial it can be.  I want to share a secret with you though…I don’t practice self-Reiki every day. 

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Self-Reiki for Inner Harmony

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the challenges we encounter in life. During such moments, it's essential to connect with our inner healing energies to find balance and clarity. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I have discovered the immense power of self-Reiki for unlocking inner harmony and breaking free from the feeling of being stuck.

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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Personal Transformation

Sometimes in life we come to a place where we just feel stuck, as if life is always the same and there is no way for us to change it. During these moments, it's crucial to find a lifeline, something that can help us break free from the feeling of being bound and begin our transformation. One powerful tool that can help is the practice of positive affirmations.

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The Importance of Meditation in Reiki Practice

Meditation is a fundamental aspect of traditional Japanese Reiki practice, but it isn’t often emphasized in Western Reiki practice. This is unfortunate, as a regular meditation practice can be incredibly beneficial for Reiki practitioners, helping to deepen their connection to Reiki energy, improve their intuition, and enhance their overall wellbeing.

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Self-Reiki for Insomnia: A Guide to Better Sleep

Self-Reiki is a powerful tool for overcoming insomnia and improving overall well-being. If you're experiencing sleep difficulties, it's worth giving self-Reiki a try and see how it can help you. Remember to be patient, as results may not happen overnight, but with consistent practice, you can unlock the door to a better night's sleep.

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Just for today, Allow for Perfect Imperfection

The Reiki Principles do not tell us never to anger or worry or to always be thankful, honorable, and kind. Instead, they tell us to do these things just for today. Saying the principles each morning and night brings them into our daily practice and keeps these goals always in our sight but stating “just for today” allows for our imperfection.

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Healing Doesn’t Just Happen – 5 Steps I Took

After being attuned, I did self-Reiki and practiced the Reiki Principles every day. I did not experience instantaneous healing, but I had hope and faith that it would help me and kept it up. Gradually, there was a change in me. Following are the five major steps, or milestones, of my healing journey.

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3 Steps to Turn Your Spiritual Education into Spiritual Practice

One day I realized that my list of completed courses and certifications was growing impressively, but my actual spiritual practice had become stagnant. I was taking in a ton of great information but failing to apply it. I had acquired all sorts of new tools to care for myself and nurture my spiritual growth, but they were just sitting there in my toolkit, unused.

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Committing to 5 Self-Care Practices

By recommitting myself to these self-care practices I will get back into a routine that supports better supports my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Things will come up in life that may interrupt our self-care. We need to be gentle and non-judgmental of ourselves when this happens. What is important is that when we recognize we are neglecting our self-care we take action to nurture ourselves again. What self-care practices can you re-commit to?

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Reiki Aided Meditation

I was slow to add meditation to my self-care and spiritual practice. I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder Without Hyperactivity). Sitting still and quieting my mind seemed like an impossible feat. I did not think I would ever be able to get to that sweet spot I had heard of. That place of calm connectedness sounded so good to me but seemed so out of reach.

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Giving Objects Reiki Attunements

Can an object be attuned to Reiki? This question came to me about a year ago, but the seed for it was planted early on in my Reiki practice. You see, many people sell items they market as “Reiki Charged”. In fact, I used methods I found in articles on Reiki Rays to charge items with Reiki myself. As time went on though and I became more familiar with the energy, I began to wonder exactly what this charging was doing.

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 3 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Reiki Practice

It is tough to find time, but it shouldn’t be impossible. We can fit Reiki into our lives in so many ways. Once we incorporate a regular practice into our routine, if we can keep it up long enough, it becomes a habit and then doesn’t seem to be such an imposition. So, how can we work into our daily routine? Here are three tips to help you stay motivated.

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3 Steps to Transform Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is a belief we have taken on over time that sets false limitations upon us.  Limiting beliefs usually begin to develop during early childhood.  Often, they are the result of ideas and opinions of others being forced upon us.  We were told we what we could and couldn’t do and how the world works and what to expect from it from the people that we looked up to and trusted to guide us.  However good intentioned they may have been, most caregivers will inevitably pass on some type of limiting beliefs to their charges.  This is just a consequence of their attachment to their own beliefs.  It is not something to be judged as good or bad, it just is. 

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