Just for Today, I will Nurture Myself

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How often do you follow your own advice?  Do you care for yourself the way you would care for your child or a close friend? 

My adult daughter is going through a rough time.  As we got off the phone today, I told her to take care of herself.  I told her not to take care of herself the way she would, but to care for herself the way she thinks I would, as a mother, as someone who loves her. 

Immediately after hanging up the phone, I felt an overwhelming pressure.  I worry for my daughter and can’t be with her.  I have younger kids at home that need my care and attention.  I need to get some things scheduled for work next week and have to prepare for an appointment with a client tomorrow.  And, as always it seems, there is so much housework that needs done.  I have so much to do to take care of everyone.

My words to my daughter came back to me.  Take care of yourself.  Not like you would normally care for yourself.  Mother yourself with love.  The words came to me naturally when speaking to my child, but as I sit here feeling overwhelmed, am I taking my own advice?

Time to take a big breath and turn my attention inward.  If I were my mother, what would I tell myself right now?  Hmm.  I would tell myself to slow down and deal with one thing at a time.  I would say to access the situation and take care of what needs done before I can focus on self-care first, do what I need to make sure that I am okay, then figure out a plan for the rest.

I have made sure my daughter is safe and have arranged for a family member in the area to go be with her.  My younger kids are content and watching a movie in the next room.  I will be better for my client tomorrow if I take care of myself today.  The next step is deciding how to best care for myself in this moment.

First, I must attend to my physical needs.  As I write, I am doing a mental body scan.  I find myself slouching at the computer.  My body is tense.  My breath is shallow.  I have just realized I am a bit hungry.  It is after noon and I haven’t eaten yet today. 

I take another deep breath and sit up straighter.  In a moment I will wrap up this message to you and I will get comfortable and consciously breathe and stretch and relax my muscles.  I will get myself a glass of ice water and something to eat and will bless both with Reiki before I consume them. 

Then I will attend to my mental and emotional needs.  I will do self-Reiki and meditate to give my mind a break from all the thoughts about what is going on and what needs done.  I will let go of everything but the present moment and just be.  I will give myself permission to take a break and do something fun.  I will remember and practice the Reiki Principles.  I will not anger or worry.  I will be grateful, honorable, and kind. 

I am making a promise to myself to nurture myself with love and kindness today.  In each moment I will do my best to care for myself as I would care for any of my children.  I will care for my physical, mental, and emotional needs.  I will prioritize my responsibilities and take them one at a time without letting them overwhelm me or be put aside and forgotten. I will end this day knowing that I was well cared for and loved and that I did my best to fulfill all of my responsibilities.