I Don’t Practice Self-Reiki Daily

I love Pamela Miles and respect her commitment to daily self-Reiki and the way she leads and encourages other Reiki Masters to do the same.  I think it is wonderful and know how beneficial it can be.  I want to share a secret with you though…I don’t practice self-Reiki every day. 

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Self-Care to Nurture Reiki Practitioners

As Reiki Practitioners, our primary focus is to help others heal, but we need to remember that self-care is equally important if we want to be able to offer the best of ourselves to our clients.  By taking care of their mental, emotional, and physical health, practitioners can be certain we are offering the very best of ourselves when we are working with others.

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How Journaling can Support Your Reiki Practice

Reiki practitioners use their hands to channel energy into their clients, helping them release blockages and promote healing. However, like any other practice, Reiki requires dedication and consistency. Journaling is one powerful tool that can support a Reiki practice in many ways.

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The Importance of Meditation in Reiki Practice

Meditation is a fundamental aspect of traditional Japanese Reiki practice, but it isn’t often emphasized in Western Reiki practice. This is unfortunate, as a regular meditation practice can be incredibly beneficial for Reiki practitioners, helping to deepen their connection to Reiki energy, improve their intuition, and enhance their overall wellbeing.

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Reiki as a Key

I think that learning Reiki felt a bit like learning magic.  In a way it was.  It was this magical key that opened my mind to energy healing, connection, and faith. 

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Setting Healthy Boundaries in a Healing Practice

Setting healthy boundaries within my practice helps make my business sustainable, keeps me from experiencing burnout, and protects my energy for my own well-being. Without the boundaries I have set, I would not have been able to continue in this line of work. I recommend all practitioners take the time to evaluate their own boundaries often, and make adjustments when needed, to protect their own energy and keep their businesses running smoothly.

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Sharing my Spiritual Growth is my Business

When Reiki did work, when I started feeling better than I had in years and years, I heard God whisper that I needed to share it. I have done my best to listen each time Spirit whispers to me, telling me what I should do next.

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Holding Space to Heal

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For a long time, I was confused about exactly what it meant to hold space for another person.  As a healer, though, this is essential to what I do.  I hold a space for others to heal themselves.  But what does that really mean?

To me, to hold space means holding the whole, healthy, and perfect image of the person I wish to bring healing to.  Our intentions, our beliefs, are what bring about our healing.  It is hard for someone who is suffering to believe that they are whole, healthy, and perfect and that life is good and full of abundance.  The more a person is suffering, the harder it becomes for them to hold that belief that will bring them healing.  So, I hold it for them.  I hold a space for healing, while they feel and go through whatever they need to feel and go through.

I have gotten really good at holding space for friends, clients, and strangers.  I am still learning to hold space for myself and the people closest to me.  It is harder for me to detach from my own suffering or those that love.  Little by little, I am getting there, at the time of this writing, however, I am still only able to hold on to it for moment at a time.  That is okay though, I have a community I can turn to.

When I am too close the situation and unable to detach and hold that space of perfect wholeness and health for the people I love so much, it used to bring me great frustration that ultimately brought down my own vibrations and just made everything worse.  I have learned to let go of the need to do it on my own though.  I can practice detachment at my own pace and trust others to hold space for me and my family when needed.  I know I can ask my community and my church and people will hold space for me.  This is one of the great benefits of our universal connection with life. 

We are never alone in anything.  Remembering our perfection is what brings us healing, but when we cannot remember, others can remember it for us.  We can do the same for them.  This is all that ever happens in healing, really.  Someone must hold space for healing by holding the image of health in their thoughts and emotions.