Sharing my Spiritual Growth is my Business

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Whenever I start to focus on the best way to monetize my talents and earn a living with my time, I start to feel lost.  Crystal Reiki Wellness was not part of my plans 5 years ago.  I wanted to heal, improve my life, and maybe help some friends and family members while I was at it...if this Reiki thing actually worked.  When it did work, when I started feeling better than I had in years and years, I heard God whisper that I needed to share it.  I have done my best to listen each time Spirit whispers to me, telling me what I should do next. 

Ego gets in the way sometimes though.  Ego starts to talk in my ear, telling me I am giving too much of myself and not getting enough back.  It tells me I cannot afford to spend hours a day on my spiritual practice and my community if I can't incorporate it into my business and make it monetarily profitable.  Ego says, I cannot work full time and make less than part time wages.  When I am not careful, I don't even notice myself start to veer off course, straying away from my own growth and seeking monetary growth instead.

The thing is though, I can afford to work full time on myself and sharing with my community.  Spirit always provides for me.  Money is not something I need to worry about.  I am not at all rich, I live month to month with just a bit put back for emergencies and the future, but everything always works out for me financially.  I would like to put more back, but if I my sales are poor, I will not go without any necessities.

And another thing...the only products I sell that have made me any money, are the ones I made for myself and my kids and then heard Spirit whispering to me to refine and share them.  The clients attracted to me always find me on their own, not through my social media efforts to reach them.  I shouldn’t be creating things to sell, I should be creating things to help myself grow, then sharing those tools with those who are guided to me. 

So today, I refocus again.  I turn my attention inward.  I remind myself that Spirit is not whispering to me to make money.  Spirit wants me to love and care for myself and to share the ideas and practices that are helping me do that.