5 Questions to Ask Your Reiki Practitioner

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In the last few years Reiki has grown quite a bit in popularity.  More and more people are looking for alternative ways to care for themselves and invite healing to their lives.  As Reiki grows in popularity, the number of professional practitioners continues to grow, as well.  How does one choose a Reiki practitioner out of the many that are now available?  The following five questions can help you determine if a Reiki Practitioner is right for you.

1.       How long have you been practicing Reiki?  Although even the newest Reiki practitioner can be effective, it is important for a new practitioner to take time for self-healing and development.  While practicing on close friends and family is great, one should be well into their own healing work and have some experience before they begin a professional practice.  Most of this healing work and gathering of experience can be done as a 1st Degree Practitioner, then at the 2nd Degree a practitioner is more prepared for professional work.  However, many students are now taking 1st and 2nd Degree courses together and so are technically qualified to work professionally right out of the gate.  While most will not try to do this as it is not entirely ethical, I have come across many new practitioners who were planning their Reiki Business immediately after being attuned.  Make sure your practitioner has some experience before you book a session.

2.       Can you briefly describe the type of training you have had?  I believe that all Reiki paths are valid and valuable.  I do not believe there is one right way to teach Reiki.  Teaching styles vary greatly among difference Reiki traditions and different Masters and that is good thing.  It creates diversity among practitioners.  The more diversity there is in practicing styles, the more likely clients can find someone who is right for them.  Clients should ask about the type of training a Reiki Practitioner has had to see if it meets their expectations. 

3.       What should I expect from a Reiki Session with you?  There can be a lot of differences in Reiki sessions from different practitioners.  They may use music, talk through the session, chant, or prefer silence.  They may use sage, incense, candles, oils, or no scents at all.    Some use crystal during their sessions, others may use herbs, and some like straight Reiki with no frills.  When it comes to distance Reiki there are practitioners who use Zoom or Google meet and some that do it over the phone.  Others, like myself, prefer to step away from electronics while working and communicate with the client after the session.  Find out what to expect from a practitioner before you make an appointment to make sure their style is in alignment with yours. 

4.       What would you expect of me as a client?  While the client’s main job is just to show up and receive Reiki, some practitioners may have certain expectations of their clients.  They may want you to meditate, eat a particular diet, practice affirmations or other do other things to compliment the Reiki session.  Some practitioners may want a specific commitment from their clients.  Ask what the Reiki Practitioner expects of their clients and make sure their expectations are ones you are willing to meet. 

5.       Do you have good reviews or testimonials I can read?  Just because a practitioner worked out great for one person, doesn’t mean they will be right for you, but you can get an idea of a practitioner’s values, ethics, and experience by reading their reviews. 

Take your time and vet practitioners with these five questions before booking a Reiki session. You may be able to find the answers on their websites or printed material. The answers to these questions should give you a good idea if a Reiki Practitioner is right for you. If you are not completely comfortable