I Don’t Practice Self-Reiki Daily

I love Pamela Miles and respect her commitment to daily self-Reiki and the way she leads and encourages other Reiki Masters to do the same.  I think it is wonderful and know how beneficial it can be.  I want to share a secret with you though…I don’t practice self-Reiki every day. 

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Self-Care to Nurture Reiki Practitioners

As Reiki Practitioners, our primary focus is to help others heal, but we need to remember that self-care is equally important if we want to be able to offer the best of ourselves to our clients.  By taking care of their mental, emotional, and physical health, practitioners can be certain we are offering the very best of ourselves when we are working with others.

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Reiki as a Lifestyle

Once we have learned to use the system of Reiki to tap into the universal energy field and channel that energy, we can set our intentions to use Reiki in countless ways in our lives. Using Reiki to bring physical, mental, and emotional wellness to ourselves and others is the foundation of most of our practices, but we can build so much more onto that. We are only limited by our own beliefs.

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Opening and Closing Words for Reiki Sessions

When I was first taught Reiki, I was only told to put my hands in prayer position and give thanks to Reiki and set the intention for healing before I begin a session. I love that my Reiki Master was vague about how exactly to do this, because it allowed me freedom to explore and find the words that worked best for me. This ritual can be as simple or in depth as the practitioner feels is right. The words I use have evolved over time to reflect things I have learned and to include “helpers.” I encourage my students to listen to their higher-self and find the words that resonate the most for them to begin their own sessions. I believe this is a personal practice and should be meaningful and unique to each practitioner.

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