How I Rose Above My Codependency

After taking the time to get to know who I was when I was single, educating myself about co-dependency, embracing self-love, finding a constructive way to contribute to society, and making promises to myself that would keep me safe my life has completely changed.  I feel strong and empowered and know that I can care for myself and handle anything I need to on my own.

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5 Reasons I’m Thankful I Learned Reiki

There are so many reasons I am glad to have learned Reiki and made it a part of my everyday life.  Just for today, I am most grateful to have learned to relax, set boundaries, be of service, trust Spirit, and truly love myself.  I am grateful for the life I am living and to Reiki for making it possible. 

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52 Weeks of Self-Care Challenges for Tweens, Teens, and Families

I have created a list of 52 different self-care challenges for you to work on this year.  You can do them on your own or with your family.  These challenges are meant to introduce different forms of self-care for your exploration.  If you feel a challenge makes your life happier, try to keep up with the activity even after the week has ended.  If you don’t feel you have gotten value from the activity, you can let it go and focus on the next challenge.  You may want to revisit it again in the future to see if your feelings about it change.

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