Manifesting with Reiki

While Reiki is primarily known for its physical and emotional healing benefits, it can also be used as a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. By aligning your energy with your goals, you can use Reiki to help you attract what you want in life. In this article I’ll share how Reiki can be used to help manifest what you desire.

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A Guide for Tapping into the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can change your life. Affirmations are one way to wire your mind to focus more on positive thoughts. When we make the use of affirmations a daily habit, our mindset becomes more positive, and we are able to attract better experiences into our lives. 

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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Personal Transformation

Sometimes in life we come to a place where we just feel stuck, as if life is always the same and there is no way for us to change it. During these moments, it's crucial to find a lifeline, something that can help us break free from the feeling of being bound and begin our transformation. One powerful tool that can help is the practice of positive affirmations.

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52 Weeks of Self-Care Challenges for Tweens, Teens, and Families

I have created a list of 52 different self-care challenges for you to work on this year.  You can do them on your own or with your family.  These challenges are meant to introduce different forms of self-care for your exploration.  If you feel a challenge makes your life happier, try to keep up with the activity even after the week has ended.  If you don’t feel you have gotten value from the activity, you can let it go and focus on the next challenge.  You may want to revisit it again in the future to see if your feelings about it change.

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Authentic Positivity

Positive thinking, in the way I use it, isn’t about thinking happy thoughts that deny reality.  It is about accepting reality as it is then choosing to focus my thoughts on possible solutions and positive aspects rather than dwell for long on troubling issues. 

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My Mission to Spread Hope

As long as I was feeling hopeless and focusing on how rotten my life was, I couldn’t do anything to fix it. It isn’t enough just to tell people to think better thoughts, though. Better thoughts just won’t come when someone is experiencing too much pain. First the pain needs tended to. Responsibility needs to be accepted. Hope needs to be found.

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But That’s Not What I Set My Intentions For!

When we see our intention coming to life exactly how we had envisioned it is a thrilling and empowering experience.  It is absolutely beautiful.  However, is does not always work that way.  Sometimes nothing looks the way we envisioned it. 

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My Personal Faith in Universal Oneness

I believe that was hurts one of us hurts us all. What is good for one, is good for all. There is no true separation. What is done to one, is done to all. This is the message I ultimately want to spread through my work. This connection is what makes Reiki and other healing modalities work. It is at the core of everything I believe and every action I take. I want to share this belief and I invite all others who believe the same to share it, as well. Let us not focus labels that create false separation, but share our sense of oneness with compassion and understanding for all.

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3 Steps to Transform Limiting Beliefs

A limiting belief is a belief we have taken on over time that sets false limitations upon us.  Limiting beliefs usually begin to develop during early childhood.  Often, they are the result of ideas and opinions of others being forced upon us.  We were told we what we could and couldn’t do and how the world works and what to expect from it from the people that we looked up to and trusted to guide us.  However good intentioned they may have been, most caregivers will inevitably pass on some type of limiting beliefs to their charges.  This is just a consequence of their attachment to their own beliefs.  It is not something to be judged as good or bad, it just is. 

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7 (Mostly Spiritual) Ways I Care For Myself through Depression

You see, healing doesn’t always come fast.  It is an ongoing process.  Especially when you suffer from something chronic, such as depression.  I’ve learned a lot and my spirituality, and my work have given me new skills to get myself through it while doing long term work that makes these incidents less severe and further apart.

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