My Mission to Spread Hope

Facebook Memories often appear to remind me of my old self.  I am grateful for the reminders because they offer me a wonderful tool for observing my progress.  As the days go by, I sometimes fall into a routine and forget how miraculous my current reality really is.  Then a Facebook Memory pops up reminding me how much physical pain I was in eight years ago, how depressed I was ten years ago, or how skewed my thoughts and perspective were twelve years ago. 

Today, I woke up early, feeling a little stiff, but in no pain.  I feel blessed and optimistic about the day ahead of me.  My life is filled with good, and I am always attracting more good to me.  I am unbelievably happy.  My mission has become to share how I got from there to here. 

I know that the key to everything changing in my life was learning to love and care of myself.  I had to learn to love myself enough to care for all my needs.  I had to take responsibility for making the changes I wanted to see and the primary way I was able to do that was by changing my perspective.

As long as I was feeling hopeless and focusing on how rotten my life was, I couldn’t do anything to fix it.  It isn’t enough just to tell people to think better thoughts, though.  Better thoughts just won’t come when someone is experiencing too much pain.  First the pain needs tended to.  Responsibility needs to be accepted.  Hope needs to be found. 

If you are a healer, help me teach hope.  Help me share with others how to find the motivation to take the first steps toward hope and away from dis-ease.  Remember what helped you find your own way out of pain and darkness and into the light and use that memory to lead others out. 

If you are in pain, I know how hard it can be once you begin believing that your thoughts create your reality, but to feel you have no control over your thoughts.  Please know that you can learn to think and feel better, but it is a process, and you need to be gentle with yourself.  It starts with little acts of self-care and works up to self-love and positive thinking. 

I am writing a book to share the steps I took to begin turning things around for myself.  In the meantime, I will continue sharing here in my articles.  I know that many of my reader are Reiki practitioners and healers themselves and are already further along than myself in their healing journeys and I apologize if this isn’t the information you are looking for at Crystal Reiki Wellness, but I feel called now to help others learn to change their mindsets and attract as much good into their lives as I have into my own.