Manifesting with Reiki

While Reiki is primarily known for its physical and emotional healing benefits, it can also be used as a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. By aligning your energy with your goals, you can use Reiki to help you attract what you want in life. In this article I’ll share how Reiki can be used to help manifest what you desire.

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Manifest Your Desires by Becoming Interested

To manifest the reality, you want you not only have to define what it is and believe in it, but you also have to be able to feel it.  The element of emotion is important.  But what exactly does it mean to “feel it”?

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Manifesting the Perfect Relationship

The person I had been showing up as was not at all aligned with the kind of relationship I wanted, and I had to make adjustments before I could attract that relationship.  I had to accept that I was worthy of the things that were most important to me in a relationship and then I had to embody those things.  I had to become the person I wanted to be in my perfect relationship before I could expect a perfect partner. 

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A Guide for Tapping into the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can change your life. Affirmations are one way to wire your mind to focus more on positive thoughts. When we make the use of affirmations a daily habit, our mindset becomes more positive, and we are able to attract better experiences into our lives. 

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Manifesting Your Dreams with Visualization

When trying to make improvements in our lives, there are many times when we may feel we have hit a wall and are not making any progress. During such moments, we can turn to the art of visualization—a spiritual practice that has the potential to propel us forward towards our dreams and break the chains of feeling stuck.

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Recognizing Deeply Implanted Limiting Beliefs

When a belief like this comes up for me, it reveals new insights about why certain situations are presenting in my life.  In this case, the belief in obscurity has presented as the inability to expand my reach professionally.  Making this recognition gives me an opportunity to keep working on the re-wiring of my mindset and belief systems.  I know that I have to eliminate beliefs such as being quiet and obscure if I want to be widely recognized as an expert in my field. 

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Work Until it Manifests, or Set it and Forget It?

I’ve been trying to force myself to work with Napoleon Hill’s method.  Not just to learn about it and see what I can incorporate, but to really practice his method of persistence. 

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Napoleon Hill, Sex Emotion and the Sacral Chakra

Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while reading Outwitting the Devil by Hill.  What if Napoleon Hill is talking about the energy of the Sacral Chakra?  Suddenly the whole idea made much more sense to me.  The Sacral Chakra is associated with security, empowerment, creativity, and co-creation, as well as sexual emotions and romantic relationships.

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Allowing Abundance Through Purchases

My dominant feelings right now, my point of attraction, are ones of excitement, gratitude, and happiness.  I am glad to know that is the place I am attracting from at this moment.  I know that my good feelings about acquiring what I want will help to attract the money I will need to pay for it, and I am grateful to know that. 

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Taking Away the Power of Painful Memories

The memory that disturbed me last night is still in the front of my mind this morning, but its power is gone.  It is just a sad thing that happened and is over now rather than something with the power to bring me to my knees with guilt and regret. 

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Why Doesn't a Positive Mindset Come Naturally?

It can be hard to change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones even after we know the power of positive thinking. It can be hard to align ourselves with our highest good.  Why?  If God is our True Nature, why is it so hard to align our humanity with our Spiritual Self?

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Mastermind Alliance

Mr. Hill makes it clear that he finds this step to be crucial to the success of the method.  It can’t be skipped.  When two or more work toward an intention with definiteness of purpose, in harmony, more power and momentum is gained, and it assures that intention must manifest. 

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Drifting Off Course

Drifting, as I understand it, is what happens when we just let life move us around and direct us instead of taking control and directing life.  It is what happens when we live life by habit, just thinking the same thoughts and taking the same actions without conscious direction.  Drifting leads to stagnation, or worse, backsliding into further unconsciousness. 

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Why Napoleon Hill?

Browsing through the library’s digital offerings I came across Think and Grow Rich and it called to me.  I thought I would check it out, just to glance over it and see if it was something I wanted to come back to, but it kept calling and I became a bit enthralled with Napoleon Hill, his research, and the way he presents it. 

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Easy Come, Easy Go, Easy Come

The phrase, “easy come, easy go,” entered my mind.  The money came easily.  I can easily spend it with no harm to my financial situation as the money isn’t needed elsewhere.  I realized something, holding on to the money when I don’t need it and there is something I would like to spend it on, would be an expression of a lack mindset. 

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Should Manifesting be Easy?

It seems like it should be easy.  Reach for better feeling thoughts.  Focus on what you want, not on the lack of it.  Be definite and determined.  Obtain the feeling of having what you want.  Believe it is coming and it has no choice but to come.  It is so simple. It really seems like it should be easy. 

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Because I Love Myself

We invite the best things to us through our self-love.  When we love ourselves, we want the best for ourselves, and we are open to receiving it.  When we love ourselves, we recognize our worth and we cherish ourselves for it.  We make self-care and spiritual growth a priority when we love ourselves. 

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Use Your Imagination

I have studied a lot of different teachers of the Law of Attraction.  There are a few things that seem to be agreed upon among them all.  One of them is the importance of the use of your imagination.  You have to be able to see what it is you want, feel what it would be like to have it, and know it’s coming to you.  You must be able to experience something that hasn’t manifested yet. 

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Ask and You Will Receive

As I was unpacking, I came across my manifestation notebook and remembered the list I had written about the house I wanted.  As I read the list, I was amazed that every single item from it was fulfilled in our new home. 

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