Financial Solutions Come Easily to Me

In my statement of desire for Napoleon Hill’s manifesting method, I specified wanting the money in part to be able to pay off my student loan debt.  Even though it is in deferment, and I do not make payments on it, it looms over me and feels like a weight.  It keeps me from pursuing a degree through any other schools.  I see it as blocking my way to being able to ever enter ministry if I feel drawn to it, as I know that a degree is required, and I could never bring myself to even try to work towards one with so much debt from my last attempt. 

I have looked before for the application and it seemed too complicated and important for me to do it on my own.  I decided I would wait until I could get a lawyer to help me with it.  When I finally felt ready to check into getting a lawyer, I realized how much they wanted to charge just to talk to me about it and was afraid to find out how much they would charge to actually help me. 

I ended up putting it to the back of my mind and I when I wrote my definite desires, I realized I wanted to make enough money to pay it off because having it forgiven seemed unrealistic.  A few days ago I got an email from Credit Karma about managing student loans and applying for loan forgiveness.  I read the email and it didn’t apply to me as it was about forgiveness for employees in certain industries, but it did put the idea back in my mind and I decided to do another internet search for information about applying for Borrower’s Defense for forgiveness. 

This time, I got the result I needed.  I found the link on the department of education’s website for information about borrower’s defense and how to apply.  The application was a little long and kind of emotional to fill out.  It brought back all the feelings I had about not being able to finish my degree after working so hard and doing so well.  It was easy to understand the questions and navigate through the application, though. 

Even though it may be a long while before I find out if I am approved for a reduction or forgiveness of my debt, I feel lighter for having filled out the application.  I have faith that the application was attracted to me through my desire and that divine right action is taking place.  I must be honest, I still have a tiny place of worry about it being approved, but it is tiny, my faith is bigger and stronger.  More than worry, I feel excitement.  I am excited to see another goal manifest.

Financial solutions come easy to me.  I will never have to worry about money again.  The resources for everything I desire will always come to me in one way or another.  I do not experience lack in any area of my life.  I can do and buy anything I desire, knowing that I will always be provided for.  The law of attraction will always work in my favor now that I know and understand it and consciously put it to work for me.