Let Your Higher Self Lead

It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the ego, the part of us that's driven by external validation, fear, and desires. I thought it would be helpful to remind myself of the difference between ego driven motivations and those of the higher self and spend some time in awareness of my higher self to come to clearer conclusions about what I should do. 

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Taking Away the Power of Painful Memories

The memory that disturbed me last night is still in the front of my mind this morning, but its power is gone.  It is just a sad thing that happened and is over now rather than something with the power to bring me to my knees with guilt and regret. 

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Why Doesn't a Positive Mindset Come Naturally?

It can be hard to change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones even after we know the power of positive thinking. It can be hard to align ourselves with our highest good.  Why?  If God is our True Nature, why is it so hard to align our humanity with our Spiritual Self?

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Are You on the Right Path?

Wherever we find ourselves is where we are meant to be. If it is not exactly “right” it is usually a learning experience that helps us get there or a little detour that may not look the way we expected but will take us just where we need to be. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine if you may need to make any course corrections.

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