The Secret to Wellness

I’ve learned the secret to wellness.  It is listening to your own inner voice.  We all have it.  Sometimes it is ignored too long, and it becomes a garbled little whisper… but it is still there.  When we become still, concentrate, and focus on it, we can hear. 

Unfortunately, we don’t always want to hear.  The voice may tell us to do something that we really believe that we really do not want to do.  It tells us to get out of bed and take care of ourselves when we don’t feel like crawling out from under the covers.  It tells us to do things like leave the job we don’t love, but that pays the bills.  It tells us to walk away from people we love dearly, but that disturb our peace and well-being.  It tells us to stop the bad habits that we’ve come to depend on for comfort and to deny addictions that we feel we are tethered to.  It tells us to do things that are completely out of our comfort zone.

So, we ignore our inner voice, our Higher Self, our connection with all knowing Spiritual intelligence.  We ignore it and dis-ease sets in.  Dis-ease is just the voice’s way of getting louder.  “Hey! Listen to me!  Do what is in your highest good!  Let go and follow me and all will be well.”  But if we won’t listen, we will feel anger, anxiety, and depression.  We will feel like victims.  We will feel like the attack is coming from outside ourselves and that we have no control.  If we continue to ignore it, physical illness is bound to follow.

But the attack isn’t really coming from outside ourselves.  There is no attack.  There is only resistance.  The more we resist the guidance of our inner voice, the harder we try to deny it, the stronger those unpleasant emotions will feel and the longer they will last. 

I have learned this secret.  And still, I try to hush my inner voice when I don’t want to hear what it has to say.  “Shhh, it’ll be okay,” I say, “somehow things will work out without me having to act on that.”  Ah, but I catch myself.  That inner voice…that is ME.  It is God in Me. It is always right.  And I know, without a doubt that I need to listen.  Listen and peace and balance will be restored.  Wellness will be achieved.