Are Your Desires Aligned with Good?

I took a course by Eckhart Tolle in which he taught of the importance of manifesting from the Spirit rather than the ego.  This raises the question of how to tell if one is creating from Spirit or ego.  Egos can be pretty tricky.  How can be sure that what we wish to create is in alignment with Spirit and not just an egoic desire?

This week I was reading How to Use the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes when one of the lines in his book struck me with an energetic force that I know was Spirit communicating with me.  Ernest Holmes wrote, “Am I certain my desire in in line with good?  If it is, nothing is against me and everything is for me.” (Holmes, 1950, p. 5)  I knew with absolute certainty something important had just been revealed to me. 

I wrote the quote down on a note card and set it up on my desk where I could see it before I continued to read the book.  That connection with Spirit was still strongly present and I found myself smiling and feeling that wonderful, connected feeling and knew I had to stop reading and just listen.  I closed my eyes and let inspiration come.  I was inspired to a new manifestation practice and felt moved to share it with you, as well. 

I have a few goals for manifestation right now.  Inspiration has led me to know that I need to enter them each in my manifesting journal with Ernest Holmes’ question.  Is my desire for (fill in the blank) in line with good?  Then, I am to answer that question with as much detail as possible.  What are all the possible positive outcomes of my desires being fulfilled?  How will that desire manifesting affect me and others?  What is all the good that can come of it?  Everything good is God, so where will God show up if my desire manifests?

I’ll pose the question individually to each of my manifesting goals.  I will write my answering detailing all potential good.  And I will end each entry with the affirmation, “My desire for (fill in the blank) is in line with good. Nothing is against me, and everything is for me.” 

I am very excited to get started.  I’ll be getting my journal out and beginning this practice as soon as I close this article, but I just felt I had to write it down to share with you right away.  Maybe the practice will resonate with you, as well.  If you decide to try it I would love to hear about your experience in the comments or in the Crystal Reiki Wellness Spiritual Community on Facebook.