Why Doesn't a Positive Mindset Come Naturally?

It can be hard to change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones even after we know the power of positive thinking. It can be hard to align ourselves with our highest good.  Why?  If God is our True Nature, why is it so hard to align our humanity with our Spiritual Self?

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Are Your Desires Aligned with Good?

I took a course by Eckhart Tolle in which he taught of the importance of manifesting from the Spirit rather than the ego. This raises the question of how to tell if one is creating from Spirit or ego. Egos can be pretty tricky. How can be sure that what we wish to create is in alignment with Spirit and not just an egoic desire?

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The Metaphysical Perspective of Diagnosis Vs. Prognosis

Ernest Holmes said, “Healing is not creating a perfect idea or a perfect body; it is revealing an idea which is already perfect.” This paper discusses the metaphysical perspective of diagnosis vs. prognosis based on the writing of Ernest Holmes and the teaching of Science of Mind philosophy.

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