Leaning into My Empathy

Often, I can protect my energy from the effects of others’ emotions. I will distance myself from people important to me when they are struggling if there is nothing that I can do physically to help, in hopes that by distancing myself from their current, low vibrational situations I can more easily hold their truth of ultimate good in my mind and heart for them. Sometimes, it feels important though, to let myself grieve with them.

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Returning From the State of Flow

When I return to the full power of my physical senses after being in a state of deep spiritual awareness and connection, it is just not a comfortable transition for me. Maybe I need to learn to stay in my body more during the spiritual connection, but at this point in my development, trying to tether myself to my body inhibits that state of flow for me. I have found ways to make the transition less uncomfortable, though.

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My Experience Meditating with ADHD

This morning I had an aha moment… perhaps my ADHD diagnosis has something to do with my struggle to stick to a regular meditation routine? I felt a bit silly for not having realized before that the way my brain is wired may well have everything to do with the fact that I find trying to enter stillness for long periods on a schedule next to impossible.

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