Allowing Abundance Through Purchases

My dominant feelings right now, my point of attraction, are ones of excitement, gratitude, and happiness.  I am glad to know that is the place I am attracting from at this moment.  I know that my good feelings about acquiring what I want will help to attract the money I will need to pay for it, and I am grateful to know that. 

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Taking Away the Power of Painful Memories

The memory that disturbed me last night is still in the front of my mind this morning, but its power is gone.  It is just a sad thing that happened and is over now rather than something with the power to bring me to my knees with guilt and regret. 

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Leaning into My Empathy

Often, I can protect my energy from the effects of others’ emotions. I will distance myself from people important to me when they are struggling if there is nothing that I can do physically to help, in hopes that by distancing myself from their current, low vibrational situations I can more easily hold their truth of ultimate good in my mind and heart for them. Sometimes, it feels important though, to let myself grieve with them.

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