Allowing Abundance Through Purchases

I bought a van today.  I spent more on it than I planned.  It is a 2015 Town and Country and cost $15,000.  I have never spent so much on a vehicle.  I didn’t take a lot of time to inspect it or think out my decision.  It felt right, and I went with the feeling.

Part of my three-year plan includes purchasing a vehicle well-suited for travel.  It is a nice van with lots of frills and will be perfect for traveling.  The loan is for a five-year period.  I will be paying a year off right away, so I don’t have to worry about payments until next year.  I will trust that enough money will come to me in the next three years to finish paying it off early. 

Although I spent more than I planned, I feel like this was the right choice.  This vehicle should last me longer than a cheaper one would have, and it really is what I was looking for.  I can imagine us taking trips in it.  I can see us camping on roads trips to see beautiful places.  It is going to be fun imagining what the future will bring.  I’m excited.  Travelling is really quite important to me.  I want to experience as much of life as I can. 

I have to admit that I still have that little feeling that comes to me when I make a big purchase or major decision.  That little bitty, “what if”.  My faith is stronger, though.  My gratitude and my faith align me with good and so I know that I have made the right choice.  I hope that someday the little nagging feeling will vanish entirely, but for now, I find comfort in the smallness of it.  It is not my dominant emotion. 

My dominant feelings right now, my point of attraction, are ones of excitement, gratitude, and happiness.  I am glad to know that is the place I am attracting from at this moment.  I know that my good feelings about acquiring what I want will help to attract the money I will need to pay for it, and I am grateful to know that. 

Everything step I take toward the life I want makes me feel more and more like I have discovered magic.  It is wonderful to have access to all my good.  It is so wonderful that when I am in a place of gratitude about it, I can’t even feel the disappointment or sadness of not having known and been able to attract a better life sooner.  I know that I couldn’t have.  None of us can know until it is time for us to know and we have to experience a certain about of life for ourselves before it will be time.  Regret has so place or purpose.  All I can do is appreciate what I know now and what it is bringing to my life.