The Right Resources Will Come

The reader I held in my mind while I was writing, and who I will focus most of my marketing on, is one who will be able to relate to my personal story, which takes up a good portion of the book. As I publish my book though, I hold in my heart everyone who just wants to start feeling better. I know that my book will not speak to all these people, but I send my love out to them with faith that the right guidance and resources will come to each and every one.

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Leaning into My Empathy

Often, I can protect my energy from the effects of others’ emotions. I will distance myself from people important to me when they are struggling if there is nothing that I can do physically to help, in hopes that by distancing myself from their current, low vibrational situations I can more easily hold their truth of ultimate good in my mind and heart for them. Sometimes, it feels important though, to let myself grieve with them.

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Using Reiki to be at Granny’s Deathbed

I used Reiki to connect with my family in my grandmother’s hospital room. I sat quietly in the space I use for meditation. I took a few deep breaths and got myself centers. Then I used the Reiki symbols taught in Second Degree Reiki to make a distance connection in the same way I would for a distance healing. I opened my heart to my loved ones and entered a space of non-duality.

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