Using Reiki to be at Granny’s Deathbed

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The call that my grandmother was about to transition didn’t come as a surprise.  I had just seen her a few days before and had felt that the time was coming.  I sat with her a while and I told her how much I loved her.  I prayed for her and tried to bring her comfort.  When the call came though, I was surprised at how strong the desire to be with my family at her bedside hit me.  I had essentially said my goodbyes already and didn’t know that being there when it happened would be important to me.

It takes about four hours to get to where my family was near St. Louis, Missouri from my home near Kansas City.  I wasn’t practical for me to try to get there.  Instead, I used Reiki to connect with my family in my grandmother’s hospital room.  I sat quietly in the space I use for meditation.  I took a few deep breaths and got myself centers.  Then I used the Reiki symbols taught in Second Degree Reiki to make a distance connection in the same way I would for a distance healing.  I opened my heart to my loved ones and entered a space of non-duality. 

I not only felt that I was there with all of those I knew were present, I also felt the presence of my two uncles who had passed on previously.  I felt that my grandmother was happy to be with her sons again.  I felt she was excited to make her transition and see what, and who, may be on the other side to greet her.  I think she was glad that her time had come without a long period of suffering to precede it.  I also felt my family’s emotions.  I could feel the grief they were experiencing as if I were in the room with them.   

I asked the Angels to assist me in bringing comfort and peace to the room.  I then flooded the room in love and a Reiki filled golden light.  I told my grandmother how grateful I was for the time we had together in physical life and how grateful I am to know that we are all one and there is no true separation, even at death.  Then I just sat in the love and Reiki until there was a shift in the energy and I felt it was time for me to go. 

I found out later that my grandmother passed about an hour after I had felt the shift.  My mother told me that everyone was doing as well anyone ever is after such things and that she felt my father was doing better than she had expected he would. 

Reiki helped me to remember my connection to the whole and get over any blocks I may have had that would keep me from fully experiencing that connection.  It let me get past the feeling of separation that the distance between my family and I had caused me and gave me a way to be with my loved ones and to offer them loving, healing energy.