Returning From the State of Flow

When I return to the full power of my physical senses after being in a state of deep spiritual awareness and connection, it is just not a comfortable transition for me. Maybe I need to learn to stay in my body more during the spiritual connection, but at this point in my development, trying to tether myself to my body inhibits that state of flow for me. I have found ways to make the transition less uncomfortable, though.

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3 Tips for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

When we feel good, we are vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting good, higher frequency experiences. When we feel badly, we are vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract less pleasant, lower frequency experiences. Following are some tips for staying at a higher frequency vibration.

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My Personal Faith in Universal Oneness

I believe that was hurts one of us hurts us all. What is good for one, is good for all. There is no true separation. What is done to one, is done to all. This is the message I ultimately want to spread through my work. This connection is what makes Reiki and other healing modalities work. It is at the core of everything I believe and every action I take. I want to share this belief and I invite all others who believe the same to share it, as well. Let us not focus labels that create false separation, but share our sense of oneness with compassion and understanding for all.

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Is Low Vibrational Energy Taking Over Your Space?

Have you ever walked into a space and it just felt bad or yucky to you? Maybe it felt heavy, dense, or dark. Maybe it just gave you an uneasy or anxious feeling, or perhaps it made you feel a bit queasy. If so, you aren’t alone. What you were feeling was the reaction of your energetic and physical body to the build-up of old energy within the space.

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Energetic Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst soothes emotional pain.  By helping to ease and release anger, rage, grief, and fear it assists with healing from past abuse or trauma.  It also eases the insomnia, nightmares and night terrors that often accompany such trauma.  Amethyst can increase feelings of love, peacefulness, serenity and encourage selflessness…

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Choosing Crystals for Crystal Energy Work

I use a lot of intuition when choosing crystals for myself or my clients, but I don’t depend on intuition alone.  I know about the energetic properties of the stones I use in my practice and I keep those in mind when choosing the crystals I want to work with.  It has taken a lot of time and research to familiarize myself with the many stones I use regularly. 

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You Have the Power to Heal Yourself

Life force energy surrounds and permeates all things.  This is the premise of any energy healing system.  This truth is what makes it all work.  And since life force energy is everywhere, it is freely available to us all.  You don’t have to be trained or attuned in any particular system in order to have access to this energy. 

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The 7 Major Chakras

Becoming familiar with your energy body can give you a clearer understanding of the steps you need to take to keep yourself well balanced and healthy. Today, I’d like to talk about Chakras. The Chakras are the part of our energy body that processes the natural energy flow; the Ki.  Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit.  When the Chakras are blocked or receiving too much or too little energy to keep the flow balanced, our emotional, mental, and physical health can be affected.  It is believed that there are seven major Chakra’s in our energy body. 

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Crystal Reiki Home Energy Clearing in 4 Steps

If you would like to cleanse your own home, no matter what your particular skill set, I believe you have the power to do so.  I would suggest researching the many possible ways to go about it, ask for spiritual guidance, and then follow your intuition and do what feels right to you. 

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