3 Tips for Raising Your Vibrational Frequency


Everything in existence is made up of energy.  Each person, animal, place, and object is vibrating at a unique frequency.  The Law of Attraction states that the frequency of the experiences we attract into our life are a vibrational match to the frequency we are currently vibrating at.  When we feel good, we are vibrating at a higher frequency and attracting good, higher frequency experiences.  When we feel badly, we are vibrating at a lower frequency and will attract less pleasant, lower frequency experiences.  Following are some tips for staying at a higher frequency vibration.

1.       Make a habit of accessing your frequency frequently throughout the day.  We often go through life on autopilot, not really noticing our thoughts or feelings until they have become extreme.  We may not notice our frequency has lowered until we find ourselves feeling sad, angry, worried, or irritable.  When we keep tabs of the slight shifts in our thoughts or feelings throughout the day, and catch any lowering of our vibrations early, it is easier to correct the course and raise them back up.

2.       Remember to spend time in gratitude.  Gratitude is the quickest and easiest way to raise your vibrations.  Any time you feel your frequency lowering, take time to think about what you have in your life to be grateful for and focus on those things.  Let yourself really take the time to feel the gratitude and let it swell up inside you.  Let it fill you, and then sit with that feeling, basking in it, for at least a few moments. 

3.       Focus on solutions rather than problems.  We can get caught up in this trap, where we begin to think and worry about a situation or a task ahead of us.  Before long whatever it is has either snowballed into a bigger obstacle or has been compounded by more problems.  The more we focus on what is wrong, the more of it we get.  When you find yourself doing this, refocus your attention on the desired solution.  You don’t need to know how you will get to that solution, only what it would be.  Think about how it will feel when the solution comes about, let yourself be thankful for it as it if has already come to be, and you will attract it to you.  The “how” will work itself out and the answers will come to you when you are properly aligned with them.

Remembering these three tips and putting them into practice will offer you a way to instantly raise your vibrations and boost your mood.  They will help you to keep your frequency high and allow you to manifest more of what you want in your life and less of what you do not.  Please share how these practices have helped you or any other practices you have used stay at a higher frequency in the comments or in the Crystal Reiki Wellness Spiritual Community on Facebook.