Why Doesn't a Positive Mindset Come Naturally?

It can be hard to change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones even after we know the power of positive thinking. It can be hard to align ourselves with our highest good.  Why?  If God is our True Nature, why is it so hard to align our humanity with our Spiritual Self?

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Authentic Positivity

Positive thinking, in the way I use it, isn’t about thinking happy thoughts that deny reality.  It is about accepting reality as it is then choosing to focus my thoughts on possible solutions and positive aspects rather than dwell for long on troubling issues. 

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Sending a Clear Message about Positive Thinking

I read a rather confusing article about the Law of Attraction yesterday. The first half of the article seemed to condemn the Law of Attraction as part of the problem of systematic racism. The second half pointed out the non-discriminating nature of the Law and its potential to bring positive change.

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