A Guide for Tapping into the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can change your life. Affirmations are one way to wire your mind to focus more on positive thoughts. When we make the use of affirmations a daily habit, our mindset becomes more positive, and we are able to attract better experiences into our lives. 

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Gratitude Journaling for Positive Manifestation

It’s not uncommon to occasionally feel stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from all the abundance the universe has to offer. During these times, embracing the practice of gratitude journaling can be a powerful tool to shift your focus toward the positive, break free from stagnation, and manifest a more joyful existence.

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Why Doesn't a Positive Mindset Come Naturally?

It can be hard to change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones even after we know the power of positive thinking. It can be hard to align ourselves with our highest good.  Why?  If God is our True Nature, why is it so hard to align our humanity with our Spiritual Self?

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Should Manifesting be Easy?

It seems like it should be easy.  Reach for better feeling thoughts.  Focus on what you want, not on the lack of it.  Be definite and determined.  Obtain the feeling of having what you want.  Believe it is coming and it has no choice but to come.  It is so simple. It really seems like it should be easy. 

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Ask and You Will Receive

As I was unpacking, I came across my manifestation notebook and remembered the list I had written about the house I wanted.  As I read the list, I was amazed that every single item from it was fulfilled in our new home. 

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Authentic Positivity

Positive thinking, in the way I use it, isn’t about thinking happy thoughts that deny reality.  It is about accepting reality as it is then choosing to focus my thoughts on possible solutions and positive aspects rather than dwell for long on troubling issues. 

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Sending a Clear Message about Positive Thinking

I read a rather confusing article about the Law of Attraction yesterday. The first half of the article seemed to condemn the Law of Attraction as part of the problem of systematic racism. The second half pointed out the non-discriminating nature of the Law and its potential to bring positive change.

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Focus on What you Want

We are constantly manifesting our own reality. We always have been, and we always will be. When we speak of manifesting what we usually mean, and what I mean in this article is conscious manifesting. Conscious manifesting is what we do when we take control of the Law of Attraction, or what Ernest Holmes referred to as the Law of Mind.

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Is Practicing Positive Thinking the Same as Spiritual Bypassing?

Spiritual bypassing occurs when rather than examining, accepting, and learning from the contrast of our negative feelings and experiences to get us to the ones we want to have, we attempt to repress them or pretend they do not exist, we try to replace them with positive thoughts and feelings we don’t really believe, and then fail to take right-action steps.

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