Focus on What you Want

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We are constantly manifesting our own reality.  We always have been, and we always will be.  When we speak of manifesting what we usually mean, and what I mean in this article is conscious manifesting.  Conscious manifesting is what we do when we take control of the Law of Attraction, or what Ernest Holmes referred to as the Law of Mind. 

Most of you have heard of the Law of Attraction, a term that became popular after the release of the film based on Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Secret.  The Law of Attraction states that we attract that which we focus on.  Our thoughts and emotions indicate a particular energetic vibration, that vibration can only attract to it matching vibrations.  When we focus on what we want, and we feel good about it we begin to vibrate at the same frequency of that which we want, and we attract it to us.  When we focus on what we do not want and have unpleasant feelings about it, we begin to vibrate at the frequency of that which we do not want, and we attract that to us. 

Until learning about and understanding the Law, most people will manifest their reality by default.  They will get a little of what they want and focused on in addition to things that they don’t want and have focused on.  Their expectations are based on the reality that they are already experiencing, and they will often focus on that reality and keep attracting more of the same experiences.  This is why people often feel like they are stuck in a pattern where no matter how they try to change their lives, they keep experiencing the same situations over and over again. 

Once we understand the Law of Attraction and how it works, the first thing we need to do is become clear on what we want.  We have a tendency to focus more on the things we experience that we do not want.  Something happens during the day that we do not like, and we dwell on it, focus upon it, and attract more of the same to us.  The first thing we must do us interrupt that habit. 

In the book The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Abraham suggests a daily creative workshop.  Throughout each day, consciously look for things that you want.  Pay attention to what you feel and note the things that make you feel good.  Write them down if you want, or just make a mental note of them.  For ten to twenty minutes each day, think about these things.  Just relax and remember the positive emotions that they evoked in you.  Give gratitude for them and set the intention of attracting more of those things to you. 

If you practice Abraham’s Creative Workshop each day you will find yourself becoming clearer and clearer about what you want.  With practice, it will become more natural to focus more on the things you encounter that give you pleasant feelings and less on those that produce unpleasant feelings.  In the process, you will also be aligning yourself more and more with those things that produce positive emotions, therefore attracting more of them into your life.