Sending a Clear Message about Positive Thinking

I read a rather confusing article about the Law of Attraction yesterday.  The first half of the article seemed to condemn the Law of Attraction as part of the problem of systematic racism.  The second half pointed out the non-discriminating nature of the Law and its potential to bring positive change.  When I finished reading, I didn’t fully understand what the main point of the article was meant to be.

I can sympathize with the author of the article.  I find it hard to express my faith in authentic positivity and the abundance it can attract without engaging in toxic positivity.  I try to talk about the personal responsibility that comes with using the Law of Attraction without placing blame on individuals for their life situations.  I try to emphasize the power of positive thinking without giving the impression that I want anyone to smile through their pain and try to think happy thoughts when they are not happy. 

After each article I write about manifesting with the Law of Attraction, I go back and look for instances where my words may not come out the way I wish them to and could offend anyone or sound like I’m advocating an unhealthy, rose-tinted view of life.  I often add comments or change my natural wording to try to avoid toxic positivity.  I do my best, but I’m sure that some people may read my articles and still find them to have too rosy an outlook for their tastes. 

I have to remind myself that it is okay if my work does not resonate with everyone.  It is okay if not everyone understands exactly what I am trying to say.  The Law of Attraction and power of positive thought can be a delicate and somewhat controversial subject, but it is one I am passionate about and feel called to practice and teach.  I will always do my best to avoid making anyone feel shamed, blamed, unseen, or unheard while still authentically expressing my beliefs.  I will try to honor everyone and their experiences without letting my point, that we can all benefit and find empowerment from the Law of Attraction, get lost.