The Scariest Thing About the Law of Attraction

I believe that part of the resistance some people have to accepting the power of the Law of Attraction is that it means accepting that we have had a hand in everything that we’ve attracted into our lives and that the responsibility is fully on us.  While there is no empowerment to be a slave to fate, the lack of responsibility can be pretty tempting. 

It is much easier to blame other people, God, or the Universe for dealing us a bad hand than it is to realize we’ve just been playing the game wrong.  Some people have a very hard time letting go of the idea that they have no choice in the matter of how their life will play out.  Accepting responsibility and taking control of our lives can be scary.

I’m not suggesting that we choose every challenging situation that comes our way.  I still haven’t decided what I believe about the idea of soul contracts and that we chose our path before we came into this life.  I don’t think any of us, at least not in our here and now, would choose to go through anything painful or traumatic.  Also, I’m not saying it is our fault when bad things happen to us.  However, I do believe that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs put us in alignment with the situations we encounter. 

Starting a manifestation practice to consciously use the Law of Attraction for our benefit requires completely dropping any identification we may have with being a victim of circumstance.  In order to make use of the Law we must fully accept that we play a vital role in the creation of the life we are living. 

The wonderful thing is, once we have accepted the part we have played in attracting situations into our lives we are empowered to start attracting the situations we actually want to experience.  It may be hard to accept responsibility for what we have created so far, but there is so much hope and joy to be discovered as we begin to create a new reality.