Let Your Higher Self Lead

I’ve recently begun to worry that Crystal Reiki Wellness is not going to produce the income that I need.  In trying to decide what to do, I’ve often felt confused about whether the actions I have felt moved to take have been led my Spirit or if they are ego driven.  It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the ego, the part of us that's driven by external validation, fear, and desires. I thought it would be helpful to remind myself of the difference between ego driven motivations and those of the higher self and spend some time in awareness of my higher self to come to clearer conclusions about what I should do. 

Understanding the Ego and the Higher Self

Before we delve into how to connect with the higher self, it's crucial to understand the fundamental differences between the ego self and the higher self.

  • Ego: The ego self is driven by external factors. It craves recognition, approval, and material gains. It often operates from a place of fear, competition, and separation. The ego can lead us down paths of ego-driven decisions that may not align with our true essence.

  • Higher Self: The higher self, on the other hand, is our inner wisdom, our spiritual essence. It operates from a place of love, compassion, and unity. It is connected to the universal consciousness and knows our true purpose. When we connect with our higher self, we make choices that align with our deepest values and desires.

Tips for Recognizing and Staying Aware of the Higher Self

  1. Meditation and Mindfulness: One of the most effective ways to connect with the higher self is through meditation and mindfulness practices. Regular meditation allows you to quiet the noise of the ego self and tap into your inner wisdom. It's in this stillness that you can hear the guidance of your higher self.

  2. Listen to Your Intuition: The higher self often communicates through intuition. Pay attention to those subtle nudges, gut feelings, and inner knowings. When faced with a decision, take a moment to listen to your intuition – it's your higher self guiding you.

  3. Practice Self-Love: The ego thrives on self-criticism and judgment. Counteract this by practicing self-love and self-compassion. When you love and accept yourself, you align with your higher self's message of love and unity.

  4. Live in the Present Moment: The ego often dwells in the past or worries about the future. Your higher self resides in the present moment. Practice mindfulness by being fully present in whatever you do. This cultivates a deeper connection with your true self.

  5. Set Intentions: Start your day by setting intentions that align with your higher self's desires. This can guide your actions and decisions throughout the day, ensuring they reflect your true essence.

  6. Reiki Healing: Reiki can help clear energy blockages and promote a deeper connection with your higher self. Regular Reiki sessions can be transformative.

I know that if I take the time to see where my motivation is coming from, fear or faith, I will make the right choices.  I need to sit quietly with myself and listen in the stillness of meditation for answers and they will come.  I need to trust what comes forth and not doubt my worthiness.  I need to live in the present moment, in which I am doing fine financially, rather than worrying about how my dreams are going to manifest.  I will set my intentions and use the tools available to me to figure out exactly what I am supposed to do.