Recognizing Deeply Implanted Limiting Beliefs

In a recent conversation I described myself as, “quiet and obscure.”  Obscure is not a word I use often, and I stopped to examine it.  Obscure.  Unknown.  Is that really a word I want to claim and associate myself with?  Does “obscure” invite success and abundance?  No.  No, it does not.

Since beginning my spiritual journey in 2016 I have worked extensively on identifying and eliminating limiting beliefs.  Changing decades of faulty beliefs and habitual thought patterns takes a lot of time and effort.  Some limiting beliefs I had about myself were easier to identify than others.  For example:

  • I never do anything right.

  • If it isn’t one problem, it’s another.

  • If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have none at all.

  • I’m being punished for not being good enough.

  • No one will ever truly love or respect me.

Those kinds of limiting beliefs were obvious.  They were extreme beliefs and when I looked at them closely and questioned their validity, I didn’t find them very difficult to let go of.  It took time and a lot of self-care to get those thoughts out of my head, but it is rare that one sneaks through these days. 

But, “quiet and obscure”? Those are the type of deeply implanted ideas that I still need to be on alert for.  The ones that don’t feel extreme or emotionally charged.  They just feel like facts.  They are thoughts that I am not always conscious of.  Like the fact I have blue eyes.  It comes up, but it isn’t always in my conscious thoughts.  I have adopted other “facts” about myself, such as being a quiet and obscure personality. 

When a belief like this comes up for me, it reveals new insights about why certain situations are presenting in my life.  In this case, the belief in obscurity has presented as the inability to expand my reach professionally.  Making this recognition gives me an opportunity to keep working on the re-wiring of my mindset and belief systems.  I know that I have to eliminate beliefs such as being quiet and obscure if I want to be widely recognized as an expert in my field. 

I am not quiet and obscure.  I passionately share valuable insights and knowledge.  People all over the world know who I am and love to learn from me and pay me for my work.  Words have power so I release the ones that no longer serve me, and I embrace words that are aligned with my goals and the truth of who I am.