Unlocking New Perspectives with Reiki

A Reiki attunement can act as a profound catalyst for internal transformation. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I've witnessed and personally experienced the remarkable shifts that occur within individuals, something that extends far beyond the healing touch itself.

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Recognizing Deeply Implanted Limiting Beliefs

When a belief like this comes up for me, it reveals new insights about why certain situations are presenting in my life.  In this case, the belief in obscurity has presented as the inability to expand my reach professionally.  Making this recognition gives me an opportunity to keep working on the re-wiring of my mindset and belief systems.  I know that I have to eliminate beliefs such as being quiet and obscure if I want to be widely recognized as an expert in my field. 

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Work Until it Manifests, or Set it and Forget It?

I’ve been trying to force myself to work with Napoleon Hill’s method.  Not just to learn about it and see what I can incorporate, but to really practice his method of persistence. 

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Drifting Off Course

Drifting, as I understand it, is what happens when we just let life move us around and direct us instead of taking control and directing life.  It is what happens when we live life by habit, just thinking the same thoughts and taking the same actions without conscious direction.  Drifting leads to stagnation, or worse, backsliding into further unconsciousness. 

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