A Conversation with My Higher Self

Dear Higher Self,,.png

Sometimes I find myself feeling utterly lost.  I think we all do.  We go along each day doing what needs to be done, keeping to a routine, and forget to check in and see if that routine is still working for us.  Then we look around one day and realize we’ve been on auto-pilot and we are not sure where we are anymore or where we want to go.

When this happens, it can be a little frightening.  There is comfort in routine and when we realize our routine no longer resonates with us, it can be daunting.  We have to figure out what direction to take to get ourselves back into alignment.  This can be overwhelming, especially if it’s been a long while since we’ve checked in with where we are on our path to make sure it is where we want to be. 

I had a moment the other day while I was alone in the house.  I had gotten a few business tasks done early and was taking the rest of the day for self-care and housework.  It had been a productive day and I was feeling proud of all I had gotten accomplished.  I felt content with life in that moment and totally satisfied with my role as mother and domestic partner.  And then the moment came as a sudden and unexpected thought that it “would be nice to do this full time again” and no longer have to worry about juggling business and home life.  The thought caught me off guard and left me feeling unsettled.  Am I unhappy running my business?  Is this still what I want?

Those questions bounced around in my head for a while and I know it was time to check in with my Higher Self and see if I am really doing what is right for me now, or if I have only been doing what I have felt I need to do.  It was time for a real conversation. 

I got out a pad of paper and pen and settled myself comfortably.  I took a few slow, conscious breaths to ground myself and become mindful of the present moment.  I then drew the Reiki Symbols in my mind to focus my intentions for power, harmony, and connection (this step could be skipped by anyone unattuned to Reiki).  I stated my confusion about the future of my business and asked my Higher Self for guidance.  Then I picked up my pad and pen and wrote as guiding questions came to me. 

A question would come into my mind and I would write it down then write the answer as if discussing the issue with a good friend…because that is what I was doing.  The questions and answers flowed in friendly, conversational way helped me find my footing and plot my course to move myself into better alignment with my current career needs and desires. 

I finished with a new sense of purpose and renewed excitement about my work.  I realized that I don’t want to stop working, but that I need to approach it differently.  I need to make self-care my central priority instead of just something I try to work into my day or when I am feeling overwhelmed.  Caring for myself and my household is the path I need to take to continue to be a light for others.  I realized that by giving less time to myself and more to my business, I have actually been diminishing what I have to give to others.  If I prioritize my self-care, then the quality of service I can provide to others will be worth more than what I can offer in twice the time when not caring for myself.