Manifesting with Reiki

While Reiki is primarily known for its physical and emotional healing benefits, it can also be used as a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. By aligning your energy with your goals, you can use Reiki to help you attract what you want in life. In this article I’ll share how Reiki can be used to help manifest what you desire.

Manifesting with Reiki makes use of Universal Energy to align your personal energy with your desires. The idea is that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including your thoughts and emotions. By aligning your energy with what you want, you can attract it into your life.

One of the key principles of Reiki is intention. When you set an intention for what you want to manifest, you are sending a clear message to the universe about what you want. Reiki can help you amplify that message by raising your vibration and aligning your energy with your intention.

Using Reiki for Manifesting: Suggestions

  1. Set your intention: When you are doing manifesting work, it's important to be clear about what you want. Take some time to think about what you desire and write it down. Your intention should be clear, specific, and in the present tense.  For example, "I am happy and fulfilled in my new job".

  2. Use symbols: Reiki symbols can help you focus your energy and strengthen your intention. Using the Cho Ku Rei, Se Hei Ki, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen strengthens your intention, aligns your energy with it, and connects you with the manifestation of that intention. 

  3. Practice visualization: Visualize yourself already having what you want in detail. Allow Reiki to flow through you as you imagine how the manifestation would feel, smell, and sound. The more vivid your visualization, the stronger the connection between your energy and your intention.

  4. Use affirmations: Affirmations can help you reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your intention. Choose an affirmation that supports your intention and repeat it while you send Reiki energy to your intention.

  5. Let go of attachment: It's important to trust the universe and let go of attachment to the outcome. When you are attached to a specific outcome, you can create resistance that blocks the flow of energy. Trust that the universe will bring you what is best for your highest good.

Manifesting with Reiki can be a powerful tool for attracting what you want in life. By aligning your energy with your intention, you can create a strong connection to the universe and increase the likelihood of manifesting your desires. With practice and patience, you can use Reiki to manifest your dreams into reality.