Manifest Your Desires by Becoming Interested

To manifest the reality, you want you not only have to define what it is and believe in it, but you also have to be able to feel it.  The element of emotion is important.  But what exactly does it mean to “feel it”?

I’ve heard it described this way:

You get a clear, super detailed idea of what you want to have, envision it in your mind, and then imagine how it would feel to be experiencing it now.  This is great as long as you have a great imagination.  For a lot of people, imagining how something feels that they may never have experienced is extremely hard, if not impossible. 

I’ve also heard this: 

Decide what you want to manifest, but don’t get too detailed.  Leave it open to possibility and let Spirit/the Universe figure out all the details.  Then expect that it will happen for you.  Be in a state of happy expectation as you wait for your desire to manifest.  This is kind of lovely.  It doesn’t seem as difficult.  The trouble I have found with this is that I can’t always get into a state of “happy expectancy” for something that doesn’t have a lot of detail.  That, and I’m not sure what exactly “happy expectancy” means.  I imagine a feeling something like subdued excitement.  

I do this:

What I have found to be the most successful practice for me so far is future journaling.  When I write, it seems easier for me to use my imagination and conjure up details and feelings.  I make un-dated journal entries as my future self, describing things or situations that this future me is experiencing and giving gratitude for them.  I have fun with it and then I put my journal away and don’t think much of it again.  I’ve manifested a lot of very detailed desires this way, but it takes a long time and I feel something is missing.   

Emmet Fox teaches this:

“To think clearly and with feeling leads to demonstration [manifestion], because you have then built a mental equivalent. Think of the conditions you want to produce. If you want to be healthy, happy, prosperous, doing a constructive work, having a continuous understanding of God, you do not picture it necessarily, but you think it, feel it, and get interested in it.  What we call “feeling” in connection with thought is really interest. Feeling is not excitement.”  ~ Emmet Fox, Mental Equivalence Lectures

This I can understand!  I am good at being interested.  I can feel interested in anything that I want to manifest.  I’m excited to have learned about this theory and to add this element of interest to my manifesting practice.  When I put my future journal away, I’ll keep my interest going.  I’ll read and research and write and dream and charge my desires with interest.