Mastermind Alliance

The one thing about Napoleon Hill’s Master Key that has felt like an obstacle to me is the Mastermind Alliance.  Yes, there are many people I may need to rely on professionally in the future, such as a proofreader, editor, and professional marketer, among others, but who would I want to form a spiritual alliance with?

I have reached out to people before, letting them know my willingness to collaborate, but with no ideas myself the effort went nowhere.  Spirit has never spoken to me, urging me to include someone else in my plans for creating my life.  I have tried, probably from a place of ego more than spirit, to get my partner to form a spiritual alliance with me, but we are not there as of yet. 

This has caused me a bit of distress.  Should I skip this step?  Mr. Hill makes it clear that he finds this step to be crucial to the success of the method.  It can’t be skipped.  When two or more work toward an intention with definiteness of purpose, in harmony, more power and momentum is gained, and it assures that intention must manifest.  So, I can’t just skip it and claim to have given the method my best shot.

Finally, the answer came to me.  Prayer Practitioners are the answer to my alliance.  I know they are always available to support my spiritual goals and purposes.  The Science of Mind teachings have come into my life for many reasons, and I now know that this is one of them.  There is no one in my life better to support me right now than them.  I believe that more people will come into my life and become a part of my alliance, but for now, it is good enough to know that I can depend on prayer practitioners to be part of it now.

I have one other ready source for an alliance.  In fact, it has already been made, but I have not recognized it for what it is until today.  My study group, which formed during Eckhart Tolle’s School of Awakening is part of my Mastermind Alliance.  We review our intentions for the week at the end of each meeting so that we may spiritually support one another in attaining them.  I will need to make sure that I am utilizing these relationships by keeping my definiteness of purpose in mind when sharing intentions for the week.    

This has brought me a feeling of relief.  I will now be able to incorporate seeking prayer support and the support of the study group as part of my plan.  Today has been a good day, full of the unfolding of things.  I am filled with gratitude for the answers that have been coming to me in the form of spiritual inspiration.