Do the Reiki Principles Resonate Today?

I say the Reiki Principles each morning and night and often several times throughout the day.  They are a big part of my everyday life.  But sometimes, I just DO NOT feel it.  The words don’t resonate.  I woke up this morning feeling down and when I recited the Reiki Principles, they felt empty and untrue.  And that’s okay…for today. 

“Just for today,” has become a powerful phrase in my life.  There is a wonderful freedom in them.  Each day, I recite the Reiki Principles and most days the words set a mood, a state of mind, that supports my intentions to live in a way that cures and protects against dis-ease.  But on the days that those words don’t resonate I have the freedom to recognize that I’m just not in that place for that day. 

Just for today, it’s okay to feel angry.  People can do horrible things to each other.  We can experience situations that cause us great harm.  Even seemingly small things can cause us to feel angry when they are not aligned with what we feel is right.  Repressing the angry feelings does so much harm and no good comes of it.  We have to accept unpleasant emotions and let them move through us freely.  Have compassion for yourself until the anger passes. 

Just for today, I admit my worries.  Worry is another human emotion that we will all experience.  Of course, we should always try to have faith, but when our faith falters, it’s okay to admit that we are worried.  Worry and anxiety are very unpleasant emotions indeed, but if we don’t acknowledge we are feeling that way, we can’t work to find the cause of the emotion and figure out a solution. 

Just for today, I am disappointed.  While it is wonderful to strive for non-attachment, it is human to get attached to our expectations of ourselves, others, and life in general.  It is human to feel disappointment when our plans fall through, or we see or experience something we believe is wrong or hurtful.  I always look for the positive aspects in all situations but denying my disappointment will root it deeper within me and gives it the potential to trigger depression. 

Just for today, I recognize and accept where I am.  Every day I want to work hard to be the best version of myself.  Some days, the best I can do is accept where I am at and let myself be there without judgment.  Today, I feel kind of sorry for myself.  This is where I am at.  It will pass, but this is where I am today and just for today, that is okay. 

Just for today, I will be kind to myself anyway.  Kindness always resonates with me, but it doesn’t always look the same.  Some days kindness is all about taking care of other people and serving my community.  Some days, accepting the freedom to work through my emotions in a healthy way without denying or repressing them is the kindest thing I can do for myself and the people I care for and serve. 

We must take advantage of the allowance that “just for today” gives us to work through our emotions.  If we try to stuff down our anger, deny our worries, cover up disappointment with false gratitude, distract from our feelings with our spiritual work, or practice kindness to our own detriment, the Reiki Principles can become an excuse for spiritual bypassing and toxic positivity.  We can allow ourselves grace as we acknowledge our true emotions and let them flow through us and then tomorrow, we can wake up and say the Reiki Principles again and if we are ready strive to not anger or worry, to be grateful, honorable, and kind.