What Can We do to Help Ukraine?

“There is nothing I can do anyway.”  We were discussing the war in Ukraine and the media coverage.  I told my mom that I have been avoiding the news.  She said she had, too.  “There is nothing I can do anyway,” she said. 

I understand that feeling.  What can we do from where we are?  How can any civilian individual, so far from the conflict, do anything to help?  It is a helpless feeling.  The media shows the horrors of war to us every day.  If you tune in to the news you are bound to see dead or injured Ukrainians and their war-torn homes.  It is heartbreaking.  It is natural that anyone who feels their connectedness to their world would feel heartache over what is happening. 

I gently told my mother that I don’t avoid the news because I don’t feel there is anything I can do.  I avoid those images because I want to be able to hold a vision of a whole, free, safe Ukraine in my mind.  I can’t view the horror of the current reality and hold a vision of a better tomorrow at the same time.   

I know what is happening and I don’t deny the reality of it.  I don’t try to pretend it isn’t real or try to put a positive spin about lessons being learned on it.  It is a horrible reality.  The physical action I can take is very limited, however.  I have committed to making financial contributions to Save the Children Ukraine.  I donated all of Crystal Reiki Wellness’s income from last week and plan to make regular donations as often as I am able.  Beyond giving financially though, my contributions are limited to what I can give energetically.

1.       I will regularly send money to support children of Ukraine and their families. 

2.       I send Reiki to the country of Ukraine and all its people with the intention that it be accepted by all who welcome it for the highest good. 

3.       I say affirmative prayer for divine right action by all involved on both sides of the conflict. 

4.       I hold the vision of a happy, peaceful Ukraine and a peaceful world in general.

5.       I spend time cultivating peace within my own heart and home. 

I am not in a position to donate as much money as I would like, but I will give what I can.  I cannot nurse the injured, but I can send Reiki.  I can do nothing to interrupt the violence, but I can affirm the divine direction of Spirit which can.  I cannot offer shelter to displaced families, but I can offer them love.  I cannot alter the present reality, but I can hold a vision of a better future.   I cannot bring world peace to the table, but I can bring my peace. 

I understand that it may feel like what we have to offer isn’t enough, but it is something.  No matter how small our contributions may seem to be in comparison to what Ukraine is going through, when combined with all the money, healing energy, prayers, and peace of others from all over the world, I have to believe we are making a difference.