Healing Trauma with Reiki

Trauma does not have to define our lives. With the support of Reiki, individuals can begin a journey of healing, reclaiming their sense of wholeness, and finding peace. By addressing trauma on all levels – mind, body, and spirit – Reiki offers a path to healing that is gentle, holistic, and effective.

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5 Reasons I’m Thankful I Learned Reiki

There are so many reasons I am glad to have learned Reiki and made it a part of my everyday life.  Just for today, I am most grateful to have learned to relax, set boundaries, be of service, trust Spirit, and truly love myself.  I am grateful for the life I am living and to Reiki for making it possible. 

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Committing to 5 Self-Care Practices

By recommitting myself to these self-care practices I will get back into a routine that supports better supports my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Things will come up in life that may interrupt our self-care. We need to be gentle and non-judgmental of ourselves when this happens. What is important is that when we recognize we are neglecting our self-care we take action to nurture ourselves again. What self-care practices can you re-commit to?

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Facing Fear-Based Thinking Within the Collective

How do we keep the widespread fear of the collective from influencing our personal realities? How do we keep from adding to the fearful energy and still protect ourselves and our families from illness and provide for ourselves during isolation?

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7 Tips for Handling Worry and Anxiety

Everyone gets nervous or worried sometimes.  Anxiety is a natural emotion that puts us on high alert so that we can better deal with tough situations.  But, for people who suffer from anxiety disorders, it can become debilitating.  Our anxiety can be triggered by everyday things that do not cause a moments distress to someone else.  A knock on the door, standing in line at the store, talking on the phone…so many things can become a source of distress for someone with an anxiety disorder. 

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