Facing Fear-Based Thinking Within the Collective

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News of the Coronavirus is everywhere today.  It is the main subject of every news report and talk show.  It’s all over the internet and in our inboxes.  It’s everywhere, and many people are feeling fearful.  The fear is spreading as widely as the news.  Store shelves are emptying, everyone is concerned about the availability of paper goods (don’t hoard the Charmin!), cleaning products, food, and medications.  Public places are closing, and we’re all being encouraged to stay home.  There are rumors of pending Martial Law.  I’ve also listened to fears about the virus mutating into something even worse. 

So, what are we to do?  Many of my followers and myself practice New Thought ideas.  We believe that our thoughts and emotions create our personal realities.  We also believe the interconnectedness of all things.  How do we keep the widespread fear of the collective from influencing our personal realities?  How do we keep from adding to the fearful energy and still protect ourselves and our families from illness and provide for ourselves during isolation?

First, take a moment to get your thoughts in order.  Breathe deep and calm your body and mind.  Remember that wellness is your body’s natural state and that it is amazing at healing itself.  Be grateful for your continuing good health.  Remember that the universe is full of abundance and there is enough for all.  Be grateful for everything you have and for everything that you are yet to receive.  Love and gratitude are the most powerful and healing vibrations we can fill ourselves with.  Living from a place of gratitude will greatly increase your health and well-being.  It will not only serve to keep your own personal vibrations high; you will help to raise the collective vibration and that is the best thing each of us can do in times like these.  Look for things each day to be grateful for. Watch for news of people coming together to help one another right now and give gratitude for the kindness you find. Whenever you feel yourself slipping into an attitude of fear, redirect yourself back to gratitude. 

Now, be sure to follow the safety guidelines in your area.  They are in place for a reason and it is good to be aware of what is being recommended in your area and to take heed.  Different areas are giving different instructions at this time based on the severity of the illness there.  Some of us are only being instructed to practice social distancing at this time while others are being asked to isolate themselves as much as possible.  Check your local news and government websites for the most up to date information.  This is not fear-based behavior, it is practical and necessary. 

Stocking up on enough household essentials and food to keep you and your family for a while in case of quarantine is probably a good idea.  I believe I have enough to care for my family for a couple of weeks.  I know others that are accumulating enough for one or two months.  I can’t tell you how much will be enough.  I suggest getting yourself into a calm state of gratitude and then asking your higher self for guidance in preparing.  Do not let fear of scarcity guide you and do not take more than what your family may need to use.  If you already find yourself in a situation in which provisions are getting hard to find, please keep faith that there is enough and that it will be provided to you in some way.  The universe will provide what you expect it to, so expect to have everything you need as you need it. 

Stay positive and remember that perfect health is your natural state.  Live in a space of gratitude and spread that energy to those around you. Send it out into the world to raise the vibration of the collective.  Follow the safety guidelines and protocol for your area.  Stock up on what you need and leave the rest for others.  Have faith that all will be provided for. There are certainly rough times ahead for all of us, but I am hopeful that in the end this pandemic will serve as a catalyst to bring us all together and remind us that we are one; that we will come out of this more conscious of our unity and the of benefit to all of living kindly and caring for one another and our world.