Self-Reiki for Inner Harmony

Sometimes we find ourselves feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the challenges we encounter in life. During such moments, it's essential to connect with our inner healing energies to find balance and clarity. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I have discovered the immense power of self-Reiki for unlocking inner harmony and breaking free from the feeling of being stuck.

The Art of Self-Reiki

As healing practitioners, we often turn our focus from ourselves to the people we want to help.  It is easy to forget the importance of maintaining our own well-being with Reiki.  While it may seem an obvious choice for a Reiki practitioner, sometimes we just forget to use this gift for ourselves with the same passion and frequency we might for a client or loved one. 

Getting Started:

  1. Set an Intention: Before beginning, set an intention for your self-Reiki session. It could be for healing, clarity, or emotional release. Try to set aside at least 20 minutes for the session. 

  2. Create a Tranquil Space: Find a peaceful, quiet space where you can relax without disturbances. This could be a corner of your home, a garden, or any place where you feel comfortable.

  3. Center Yourself: Begin by taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind and center your energy. Focus on the present moment.

  4. Hand Positions:  Go through each of the hand positions, holding them for as long as you feel moved to. 

  5. Channel Healing Energy: As you position your hands, visualize healing energy flowing from your palms into your body. You can also silently recite Reiki symbols if you're attuned to them.

  6. Intuitive Healing: Trust your intuition. Move your hands to areas of your body that feel tense or blocked. Spend more time in those areas, allowing the healing energy to work its magic.

  7. Relax and Breathe: While practicing self-Reiki, remain relaxed and focused. Breathe deeply and mindfully, feeling the energy flowing through your body.

The Promise of Change

The regular practice of self-Reiki offers profound benefits:

  1. Balanced Energy: Self-Reiki helps balance the body's energy, releasing blockages that may be causing you to feel stuck or unwell.

  2. Emotional Healing: It can be a powerful tool for emotional healing, helping you process and release pent-up emotions and stress.

  3. Physical Well-Being: Many people experience physical relief from conditions like headaches, muscle tension, and digestive issues through self-Reiki.

  4. Inner Peace: Regular practice of self-Reiki can lead to a deep sense of inner peace, reducing anxiety and increasing overall well-being.

  5. Self-Connection: It strengthens your connection with your inner self, enhancing self-awareness and intuition.

Remember that healing is a continuous process. The promise of change lies in your commitment to this practice. By embracing self-Reiki with regular consistency, you'll not only unlock the healing energy within but also find a path to inner harmony and well-being, breaking free from the feeling of being stuck and creating a better, more balanced life.