3 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Reiki Practice

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When a new practitioner first discovers Reiki, they usually start their practice with a lot of motivation.  Often it was the need for personal healing or the hope to heal someone close to them that led them to finding Reiki in the first place and that desire to heal motivates them to learn and practice.  As with anything though, as the “new” wears off sometimes the motivation to practice wanes, as well. 

We all know we should practice everyday and that if we do, we will hone our skill as well as support our healing efforts.  We know we feel better when we practice self-Reiki every day.  We know that it feels good to serve others with Reiki.  We know, but sometimes that just isn’t motivation enough to get it done.  Life just gets in the way.  There are so many things we need to get done each day.  Work, relationships, kids, friendships, running a household…there is just so much to do.  Finding time for Reiki, or sometimes any self-care at all can be tough.

It is tough to find time, but it shouldn’t be impossible.  We can fit Reiki into our lives in so many ways.  Once we incorporate a regular practice into our routine, if we can keep it up long enough, it becomes a habit and then doesn’t seem to be such an imposition.  So, how can we work into our daily routine?  Here are three tips to help you stay motivated. 

1.       Schedule 10-15 minutes for self-healing each day.  I have always suffered from insomnia.  My natural sleep rhythm seems to have me waking up between 2:00 and 3:00 AM every morning.  I have found that for me, this is one of the best times to fit in my self-healing.  I’m awake anyway, it’s quiet and peaceful in my home, there is nothing else I need to give my attention to, and it really helps me to get back to sleep faster.  Find such a time for yourself.  Maybe you can fit in ten or fifteen minutes before you get out of bed in the morning or before you fall asleep at night.  Maybe it will be at your lunch break or right after work.  You could even schedule it during your favorite TV shows and do it while watching television (not the most focused practice, but as long as the intent is there Reiki still flows).  When you schedule time isn’t important as long as you work on it consistently so that it can become a habit.  

2.       Challenge yourself or join group challenges.  Many Reiki groups will offer healing challenges to motivate you and offer some accountability for you.  If you are not a member of a group that does this, try to challenge yourself.  Write down the challenge you are taking, keep track of your progress, and reward yourself for reaching goals. 

3.       Keep learning.  There is still so much still to learn after completing Reiki training and receiving your attunement.  You leave knowing the basics, but you can find so much more.  There are many books available about Reiki.  I checked out everything my library had to offer in the first year or so after beginning to practice.  In addition, you could never possibly get through all the articles and blogs that can be found online from other practitioners.  There is always something new to learn and discover.  Try to commit yourself to continue learning as much as you can.  Even after achieving a “Master” title, we have so much we can learn from others.  If you keep learning new things, your practice will never become old. 

If you have been struggling to stay motivated to practice, I hope these suggestions help.  When we practice regularly, we can be sure that we will have a happier, healthier, more relaxed and contented life.  It is a practice worth truly committing to.