Metaphysical Properties of Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is an excellent stone for clearing and energizing the Third Eye Chakra.  It is known to enhance efforts at expanding psychic abilities and spiritual practice.  It can also be used while working with the Throat Chakra to help one communicate clearly and honestly.  Together, these attributes make Blue Calcite the perfect aid for communicating with higher frequency beings, such as angels and spirit guides. 

Physical:  Blue Calcite and aid in overcoming addictions of any sort.  It also helps to slow the aging process by supporting physical health and vitality.  It supports treatments for cataracts and other eye disorders and infections.  It also aids treatments for emphysema through its support of the lungs and may aid in healing from laryngitis.

Mental:  Blue Calcite reduces stress and tension.  It aids with mental clarity and supports honest, calm, and clear communication.  It can also help to boost the memory and can be helpful when trying to locate lost items.

Emotional:  On an emotional level, Blue Calcite is good for calming anxiety and emotional pain.  It absorbs emotional energy, then purifies and transmutes it into positive energy and returns it to aid in emotional healing.  This makes it a good stone to support those with PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Spiritual:  Blue Calcite supports spiritual clarity as it clears and charges the Third Eye Chakra.  It enhances efforts to communicate with the spirit world and aids angelic communication.  It can also be a helpful stone in helping one to focus and open their minds during meditation.

Blue Calcite makes a nice addition to a crystal healers’ collection.  It is particularly useful for enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual communication.  I recommend it to those who struggle to connect with higher frequency energies.