Metaphysical Properties of Banded Agate

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I remember a grey piece of Banded Agate from my childhood.  I am not sure where it came from or where it went, but it floated about my room for years.  Maybe it belonged to my sister, whom I shared a room with and who had a rock tumbler at one time.  I was struck by how pretty a rock could be.  It often served as a decoration in Barbie’s Dream House.  Little did I know at the time that the pretty rock was helping me keep grounded and peaceful.  I now know how useful it can be when we use its natural vibrations to influence our own in the following ways.


Banded Agate can ease our aches and pains.  It supports treatments for infection and poisoning, aiding the body in detoxing and healing itself.  It also supports our abdominal, pancreatic, and urinary tract health.  I find it to be a helpful stone for stomach aches and nausea. 


Banded Agate supports our mental capabilities by bringing clarity and helping us to see people and situations as they really are as well as helping us to think of clear solutions and plans of action.  It can boost our concentration and focus.  It also encourages honesty with ourselves and with others. 


On an emotional level, Banded Agate helps increase feelings of peace and peacefulness.  It calms our mind and emotions and helps us to stay centered and present.  Banded Agate also encourages feelings of hope and gratitude. 


Banded Agate clears and balances the Root Chakra.  It aids efforts to communicate with angels and spirit guides. It also helps to strengthen our connection to these higher vibrational entities while still keeping us grounded.  We can also get psychic protection from Banded Agate while doing spiritual work.  It’s ability to increase our feelings of hope and gratitude also make it a good stone for raising our energetic vibrations.

Banded Agate is a common and inexpensive stone that is easy to find in most metaphysical shops and other shops that sell crystals and gemstones.  They make a nice addition to any crystal healers toolkit.  They are also useful to keep in quantity for crystal grid-work and gifting.