Telling the Story of a New Year

Although I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, I have to admit that as one year ends, in the back of my mind, I have always had a list of things I would like to change or accomplish in the coming year. And, like most people, I rarely change or accomplish much of what is on that list.  Inspired by the teachings of Abraham Hicks, I have decided to take a different tactic this year and tell a different story. 

Instead of making a list, mental or otherwise, of things I want to change and accomplish, I am going to write the story of 2022 as if it has already happened.  In order to really align myself with the year I hope to have, I’m going tell in detail how it all will go.  I have always had a lot of success manifesting what I write.  Below are the guidelines I will follow. 

1.       I will write as if the year is just ending, and I am reflecting back on it, rather than writing in the future tense.  This practice makes what I am trying to manifest feel real now and now is where all manifesting power is.  I want to begin to bring my manifestations to life now.  If I write about them happening it the future, that holds them off, somewhere in the future. 

2.       I will be detailed.  I will include all the changes I hope to make, everything I want to accomplish, the relationships I will partake in, and how I will feel throughout the year.  I’m going to let my imagination run and won’t limit myself to what seems possible or probable. 

3.       I will express gratitude.  I will not only write about the gratitude that I will have for the things that are going to happen in the coming year, but I will also take the time to really feel that gratitude.  I’m going to let if fill me and overflow from me.  I find gratitude to be the very best way to align myself with all the good things in life.

4.       I will put my story away.  After I have written the story of 2022, I will pack it away safely (probably with our Christmas decorations) until next year.  I considered burning it as I release it to the Universe, but I think it will be fun to get it out as the year ends and see how much of it has come to pass. 

I’m going to invite my family to join me in this activity as part of our Winter Solstice celebration this year following our tradition of stating what we have been grateful for throughout the year and what we are going to let go of in the year to come.  I invite you to try it, as well.