Why Napoleon Hill?

When the idea for a book project first formed last year, Napoleon Hill wasn’t really on my radar.  I knew I wanted to practice the teachings of Ernest Holmes, Abraham Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  I thought I may study others, also, but had no real concrete plans to do so. 

Browsing through the library’s digital offerings I came across Think and Grow Rich and it called to me.  I thought I would check it out, just to glance over it and see if it was something I wanted to come back to, but it kept calling and I became a bit enthralled with Napoleon Hill, his research, and the way he presents it. 

One day as I was reading, the question came to my mind of how I would actually use what I was learning from Napoleon Hill in my book.  My plan had been to practice several methods of manifesting and either report on them or develop my own, personal practice out of my experience.  The that arose was this, Mr. Hill’s approach is somewhat long term.  He suggests making a three-year plan.  What kind of success do you desire in the next three years and what are you willing to do to get it.  That is all well and good except that I hoped to have my book published and selling like mad before a three-year plan can be concluded. 

If my desire was to make $300,000 in the next three years, and I wanted to finish my book in two years, how would I make room for other practices or include my findings from Napoleon Hill’s methods in my book?  This question popped into my head and thoroughly distracted me from the lesson I was reading.  I had to stop and give it a moment of thought as it was obvious my mind was not going to go back to focusing on the Master Mind Alliance of Samuel Adams and Henry Lee before the Revolutionary War. 

The urge to write came over me and I found myself at my laptop.  As I put the question to paper (or screen to be more literal), as often does, the answer came to me from Spirit.  What Barbara Nicholson had referred to as an “aha moment.”  My Napoleon Hill research wasn’t so much about what to include in the book, as what to get out of the book.  What I learned set the stage for getting the book written, published, and sold.  I laid the groundwork for the success of the book itself. 

My Mastermind Plan and Alliances evolved since that day.  I adapted Hill’s Master Plan to better suit my needs.  It has been one year now, and I have manifested about two thirds of the desired spelled out in my plan.  I can’t wait to see how the rest of the plan unfolds.