The Difference Between Selenite and Satin Spar

Often what we see sold in crystal shops as Selenite is actually Satin Spar.  Selenite and Satin Spar are two types of gypsum crystals that are commonly used in metaphysical and healing practices.  Despite being part of the same mineral family, there are distinct differences between these two types of crystals both geologically and metaphysically.

Geological Differences:

Selenite is a form of gypsum that is created from the evaporation of saltwater. It forms in layers and has a translucent to transparent appearance. The crystal is named after the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, due to its resemblance to the moon's glow. It is commonly found in Mexico, Morocco, and the United States.

Satin Spar, on the other hand, is a fibrous form of gypsum that has a silky, fibrous texture. It is formed through the evaporation of water in underground caves, and the fibers grow in parallel with each other, creating the satin-like appearance. It is commonly found in Madagascar, Peru, and the United States.

Metaphysical Differences:

Selenite is known as a powerful healing crystal that has a high vibrational energy. It is commonly used in meditation practices to help connect with higher consciousness and spiritual realms. It is believed to aid in mental clarity, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth. Selenite is also thought to have cleansing properties, both physically and energetically, and is often used to clear negative energy from spaces, other crystals, and the body.

Satin spar, on the other hand, has a calming and grounding quality that helps with emotional balance and stress relief. Its silky texture is thought to soothe the nervous system and aid in relaxation, making it a popular choice for meditation and stress relief. Satin spar is also believed to have a protective quality, shielding the user from negative energies, and promoting feelings of safety and security.

While selenite and satin spar are both forms of gypsum and do have some similar qualities, they have distinct geological and metaphysical differences that crystal healers should be aware of. Selenite is a translucent crystal that is associated with higher consciousness, spiritual growth, and energetic cleansing while satin spar is a fibrous crystal that promotes emotional balance, stress relief, and energetic protection. Both crystals have their unique properties and can be useful in different healing practices.