Invoking Reiki for Healing and Spiritual Connection

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner to the recipient to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words, Rei and Ki, which translate to "universal life energy." To invoke Reiki means to initiate the flow of this energy for healing purposes. In this article, we will explore how to invoke Reiki and provide an example invocation.

Before invoking Reiki, it is important to prepare yourself and your space. You may want to set an intention for the session and create a peaceful, calming atmosphere by lighting candles or playing soft music. Once you are ready, you can begin the invocation.

The invocation is a prayer or statement that sets the intention for the Reiki session and calls upon the universal life energy to flow through you and into the recipient. Here is an example invocation:

"I call upon the universal life energy to flow through me and into this space. I ask that this energy be used for the highest good of all beings involved in this Reiki session. May it bring healing to any physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances that may be present. I invoke the power of Reiki to guide and support this healing process, and I offer my hands as instruments of this divine energy. May this session be filled with love, light, and blessings for all."

This invocation can be modified or personalized to fit your own beliefs and intentions. The key is to open yourself up to the flow of universal life energy and allow it to guide your healing work.

After the invocation, the Reiki practitioner will typically begin the session by placing their hands on or near the recipient's body in a series of positions to facilitate the flow of energy. The practitioner may also use symbols and visualization techniques to enhance the healing process.

Invoking Reiki is a powerful way to initiate the flow of universal life energy for healing purposes. By setting an intention and calling upon this energy, you can create a sacred space for healing to take place. Remember to trust in the power of Reiki and allow the energy to guide your hands and your intuition.