Just for Today, it is Okay to Reprioritize

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I publish a new article on my website every Monday.  It is now almost noon on Monday, and I am just now beginning to write.  Ten minutes ago, I was staring blankly at my screen and wondering to myself just how long I could put off writing and still get it published some time today.  Then I realized, maybe what I am experiencing would make a good topic for this week. 

Pre-COVID, I would send my kids off to school each morning after my partner had left for work for the day and I would begin my self-care routine.  I would ground and meditate and get myself into the zone, and then I would begin to create content.  There were days I would sit down and crank out three articles in row, work on a digital bundle, and get some good social media content planned.  I would get done and have time to work on cleaning my house.

Oh, how I took those days for granted!  Now my time is so overtaken my virtual schooling that only the most important business tasks and household chores get done each day.  My self-care routine has suffered, and my creative energy is often non-existent.  Helping my children with their schooling, refereeing their fights, and helping them to stay sane in our current world situation takes so much of me.  You know what?  It’s okay.

This has been a strange time and we are all navigating the best we can.  There is a time for everything and right now it is okay to devote our time to just surviving and getting through all this the best we can.  Eventually it will pass and certain aspects of our lives, I hope not all, will go back to the way they were.  My kids will eventually be heading back to the school building and I will be spending my days alone again, free to enjoy my spiritual, self-care routine and to create without interruption.  I am certain I will miss them and all their noise, though.  So, I will enjoy them while they are here rather than fretting over the distraction and the diverted energy. 

Just for today, living honorably means acknowledging that priorities have changed for the time being. It means forgiving myself when business gets put off and the house becomes a mess.  It means being grateful for the opportunity to spend my days with my children and sharing this unplanned and unexpected experience with them.