Create an Energetic Grounding Idea List

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Grounding is the process of making a conscious connection with the Earth and our surroundings.  Grounding is an important and useful skill for everyone to develop.  For those of us who do energetic or spiritually based work, it is something we need to practice regularly for our highest good.  During our spiritual work, when we are feeling stressed out, and in times of change, we can often become ungrounded.  This causes us to feel disconnected or unattached to the physical world around us.  It may cause us to feel lost and lonely.  It can have physical symptoms such as light-headedness, dizziness, or nausea. 

There are many ways to ground our energetic bodies to our physical world.  Some will work for us better than others.  It is good to experiment with many different methods to find out what works best for us.  Having a list of exercises we know will help us to feel more grounded can be helpful.  We may not realize we have become ungrounded until we are feeling adversely because of it and having a list of ideas for reconnecting saves us from having to think of something when we are not feeling our best.  It is also handy to have some ideas for suggesting to clients or others who may ask for our advice about grounding. 

Start with what you already know.  Think about grounding exercises you have done in the past.  What worked best for you?  What did not work well?  Start a list of the exercises that have worked well for you in the past.  Continue to experiment with new ways to ground on a regular basis.  Do a search online or through books for new ways to ground yourself.  Whenever something works well for you, add it to your list. 

At times when you notice you are feeling anxious, depressed, out of sorts, or physically a bit off, refer to your list for a tried-and-true grounding exercise.  Choose whichever exercise on the list is most appealing to you in the moment.  Let your intuition guide you in picking the right one.  Share the ideas on your list with others that you think may benefit from them.