Take Just One Deep Breath

My favorite practice taught by Eckhart Tolle is that of the One Conscious Breath.  Eckhart teaches that practicing mindfulness doesn’t have to be a long and involved process.  Just one deep breath is enough to ground us in the present moment and center ourselves in consciousness.  One deep breath is enough to interrupt the constant stream of thinking and give our minds a break.

I think what holds a lot of people back from meditation and mindfulness practices is the feeling of not having enough time.  We live such busy lives that even though we know meditation would be good for us, it just doesn’t seem possible to make enough room in our schedules for it.  The practice of One Conscious Breath is like a mini meditation that we can do anytime, anywhere, and it only takes a moment out of our day. 

Take a moment to try it now.  Notice how you are feeling in this moment.  Are you experiencing any stress or tension in your body?  Now, as you breath in, take the time to really notice every moment of the breath.  Feel it entering your nostrils and filling your lungs, visualize the oxygen spreading through your body, feel the air being released as you slowly exhale.  After giving all of your focus to just one deep breath, notice again how you are feeling.  Do you feel more relaxed?

I take one conscious breath at a time often throughout the day.  It helps me to fucus while I’m working, stay grounded in my physical body, and relax when I feel stressed.  It also helps me to think clearly before reacting in challenging situations.  It is the easiest and fasted way for me to reduce any feelings of anxiety that may come up during the day, as well. 

This is a wonderful practice for both experts in mindfulness meditation and for beginners.  It is a low-pressure exercise that doesn’t require us to commit to a particular schedule or devote a lot of our time but can deliver the great benefit of grounding and stress reduction.